The video was allegedly taken almost four years ago, in August 2010, during filming for Bieber’s documentary Never Say Never. The gossip site TMZ has admitted to having the video during this time but chose to not release it at the time due to the fact that Bieber was a minor and “immediately told his friends what he did was stupid.”
However, there are reports that claim TMZ had less-than-honorable motives for holding on to the video. Several sources with knowledge of TMZ’s processes have alledged that the site has used the video to extort appearances and exclusive scoops from the 20-year-old star.
“TMZ has been sitting on this video for 3+ years,” a source who worked with TMZ at the time told media site Gawker last week. “and have been using it as a essentially ransom so that Bieber and his team would cooperate with them and give them scoops. It was very close to being released initially, but his team was able to convince them not to by giving them access and compliance.”
TMZ has denied the claims, calling the allegations “absolutely not true.”
Rumors of extortion and blackmail surrounding the video began circling on the Internet in 2012 when Bieber began making appearances on TMZ related media that seemed unlikely for a star of his caliber.
In one video, Bieber sings, “There’ll be one less lonely n****r, if I kill you, I’ll be part of the KKK.”
Usher, Bieber’s mentor was “less than pleased” when he found about the videos, and, according to TMZ, “took Bieber into a room and showed him historically racist videos to drive home how hurtful those words can be.”
According to the TMZ report, they were not the ones attempting to extort Bieber over the video. They reported that someone who worked on the Never Say Never project stole the footage and offered to sell it back to Bieber’s team for $1 million.
The demand was later reduced to $500,000, but Bieber’s team eventually decided that the footage was no longer worth hiding. The report also claims that there are several more videos showing Bieber making racist slurs and cracking jokes.
Since the initial release of the video several weeks ago, Bieber has reportedly been participating in “intense Bible study” in New York City. He is working with Carl Lentz, the influential celebrity pastor, of the Hillsong New York City Evangelical Church.
The singer has reportedly been attending church services with Pastor Lentz and studying Bible passages in an effort to relieve himself of the sin of his actions. The healing process culminated in a baptism last week, a Christian religious ritual that symbolizes purification and regeneration.
The baptism was performed in the bathtub of a close friend of Bieber, after the singer was unable to find a church where he could have the ceremony in private. Bieber later posted a Biblical phrase on his Instagram page focusing on forgiveness.
Religion has played a large part in Bieber’s life, especially as his fame grew, and his fan base includes a large following of Evangelical Christians. He also has several religious tattoos and often voices his religious view in interviews.
Bieber has also since released a public statement, apologizing for “offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake.”
Since the incident, Bieber has reportedly taken some time away from the spotlight and headed to a private cottage on June 6 with his family to ride out the media storm. The family celebrated Jeremy Bieber’s 40th birthday. It has been rumored that Selena Gomez is in attendance as well.
Perhaps in an effort to restore his public image, Bieber has been sharing photos and videos of him with his siblings. On his Instagram account there are several videos captioned “famtime,” showing the singer playing with his siblings and giving his dad a kiss.
The embattled singer has had a rough year, after his January arrest in Miami Beach for drunk driving, resisting arrest and driving without a license. Shortly after, Bieber surrendered himself to Toronto police for assaulting a limousine driver. A body guard was also charged with assault and theft in a separate incident in the spring. X-rated images were leaked on the Internet of Bieber in police custody a few months ago.