Bad news, Walter White is no longer welcome in Toys “R” Us after a Florida mom, Susan Schrivjer, petitioned to have the Breaking Bad merchandise removed from store shelves. The merchandise was housed in the adult-geared section of the store and labeled for ages 15+, but that didn’t change their ultimate fate. Sorry kids, no meth manufacturing action figures for you…
So what did Walter White actor Bryan Cranston have to say about the situation, “‘Florida mom petitions against Toys ‘R Us over Breaking Bad action figures.’ I’m so mad, I’m burning my Florida Mom action figure in protest,” he tweeted.
After the 9,000 signature petition gained national attention, Toys “R” Us opted to remove the items for good. Once the news broke, Cranston took to Twitter and stated, “Toys R Us puts Breaking Bad toys on ‘indefinite sabbatical.’ Word on the street is that they were sent to Belize. Nicely played Florida Mom.”
Well done, Mr. Cranston.
Don’t worry Breaking Bad fans, you can still find the action figures through online distributors…