UPDATE: A Small Victory For Kesha!

Kesha performs "It Ain't Me, Babe" cover regardless of Dr. Luke's restriction

Kesha was blocked by Dr. Luke from performing a cover of Bob Dylan’s “It Ain’t Me, Babe” at the Billboard Music Awards this upcoming Sunday. Though she denies it, Dr. Luke is afraid that she will use the moment  to make a public statement about their rocky relationship. This restriction has caused some major uproar in the music industry; Dr. Luke’s influence on Kesha inherently violates Kesha’s own rights as an artist and human being.

Last night, Ben Folds invited her up on stage with him at his concert at LA’s Orpheum Theater and gave her the opportunity to perform the cover regardless of Dr. Luke’s restriction.

This was one small victory for Kesha, one big “F***K you” to Dr. Luke.

For More Kesha Coverage, CLICK HERE
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