Megan Fox shows off her darling sons on The Ellen DeGeneres Show!
The 27 year old actress appeared on the show on Monday and for the first time shared with the media personal photos of her sons: 2 month old Bodhi and 19 month old Noah. Unsurprisingly, the two precious babies seem to have inherited their momma’s stunning good looks. Husband Brian Austin Green also appeared in the snapshots.
“Bodhi is the little chubby one and then Noah is the one with the lips,” she told Ellen.
Megan also went on to hint that another baby maybe in the near future: “The first time I was here, I was pregnant and no one knew it. And then the second time, I’d just had my baby, but I got pregnant again, so you’re sort of like a fertility good luck charm,” she told Ellen. “If you want to get pregnant, come see Ellen.”
Megan also went on to open up about the challenges of her pregnancies.
“I got pregnant with Bodhi two weeks into filming Ninja Turtles, which is an action movie and requires a lot of running and jumping and stunts,” she told Ellen. “Anyone that’s been pregnant knows your first trimester can be pretty rough and you’re nauseous all day long, so I spent the whole shoot basically feeling ill. the producers would come see me in the morning in my the makeup trailer and I would be clinging to a box saltines. We had pickles in the refrigerator for me and I was just constantly on the verge of vomiting.”