10 Times ‘Sex and the City’ Totally Got Us

Despite wrapping up TEN YEARS ago, 'Sex and the City' is still relevant to the modern woman. Let's take a look back at our favorite moments!

Ten years ago, Carrie and Big finally ended up together forever*. We all released a huge sigh of relief after watching the two go on-and-off again over the years. Even those of us who were Team Aidan were just glad to see Carrie happy.

We’ll always miss that foursome of gals, though. Their candid conversations about life, love and everything else captivated our attention for 94 episodes. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda all totally got us.

In honor of the finale’s 10-year anniversary, we bring you 10 Sex and the City moments when those ladies said and did everything we wanted to ourselves.

*At least, we think they did. With a third movie possibly on the horizon, that relationship could certainly take a turn for the worst. Wouldn’t be the first time – or second, or third, or fourth.


1. Sometimes, you just need a Cosmo with your cheeseburger, and nothing is wrong with that.

photo: theempressofdress.com / via HBO

2. Shots with your ladies isn’t an act that must be reserved for your 20s. 

photo: weheartit.com / HBO

3. Shopping > the Elliptical. Every time. 

photo: stylecaster.com / HBO

4. Never change who you are. 

photo: weheartit.com / HBO

5. Dating isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. 

photo: okmagazine.com / HBO

6. Pre-Miley Cyrus, Carrie knew that we can’t be tamed. 


7. We can be a little over-analytical, and sometimes you need a friend to knock you off the hamster wheel that is the anxiety in your head. 

photo: captainangieeh.tumblr.com / HBO

8. Sometimes you need a little stranger danger in your life. 

photo: criss3h.tumblr.com / HBO

9. Exes will always distract you from other potentially fantastic opportunities. 

photo: girlfrommath.tumblr.com / HBO

10. Love is motherf*cking tricky.

photo: gotadrinkonmymind.tumblr.com / HBO



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