The 41-year-old actress posted a selfie on her Instagram account in a curve-hugging navy maxi dress with her brown locks in beachy waves. “The bump,” she wrote. “#shortpeoplecarrybig #noitsnottwins.”
Milano and husband David Bugliari, a Hollywood agent, announced in March that they were expecting another child. The two are already parents to 2 1/2 year old Milo.
“We are so happy to share with you that Milo is going to be a big brother,” she said. “I want Milo to have a sibling and have someone to grow with. My brother and I are so close, and I can’t imagine not giving my son that kind of relationship.”
She had also told People that it took her a while to find a balance between being a mother and her work, but now “she’s on the right track.”
“Alyssa is so excited to be pregnant again!” a source told Us Weekly last month. “She just recently started showing and has wanted to expand her family with David for a while.”
Celebrity baby bump selfies have been trending in Hollywood lately. Here are some of our other faves:
Kristin Cavallari
Kristin looked stunning when she shared this pregnant selfie on her Instagram account. Her baby bump perfectly accessorized her sleek and sophisticated LBD.
Jessica Simpson
Jessica shared this bikini pic last year when she was about halfway through her pregnancy with second child Ace. Now that’s one hot mama!
Kim Kardashian
Before she was the fabulous mom to daughter North West, Kim shared photos on her Instagram account of her growing baby bump to the thrill of fans everywhere.